
Ingrid Mueller

Art Critic and Curator

A Renaissance Woman.

“Vicky Lentz is a renaissance woman.  Superlatives can be applied to all of her artistic talents, whether it be her painting, textile work, metal sculpture or…...  The continuation of dots represents the unknown; made up of the thousands of bits and pieces of imagery she has stored internally along with the knowledge, beauty and experience she gathers every day.  They will emerge along with found objects and Vicky Lentz will create another great piece of art.  She can do this, because she looks, listens, informs and above all knows neither fear nor boundaries.  Her works are treasures because they hold the key to the confluence of the external and internal worlds, the physical and the psychological, the evolution of nature and the transformation of the urban.  Vicky Lentz creates diverse forms of art.  She has opened her mind, heart and soul.  Vicky Lentz sees art everywhere.  She is a believer and a creator.  Above all, she is not afraid to share her ideas, work in groups or give her opinion.  Her talents are too many to list.  As I mentioned in my first sentence, Vicky Lentz is a renaissance woman.”


Terry Graff

Artist, Curator

A deep affinity with Nature.

"Vicky Lentz has not lost the sense of the child in wonder. A deep and longstanding affinity with the natural world is the source of her creativity and artistic expression. Evolving from personal explorations of a diverse range of materials, and often utilizing labor intensive craft-based methodologies not only as her process but as part of the meaning behind her work, her distinctive art is the material manifestation of a unique psycho-spiritual sensibility and way of seeing. A form of meditation, her practice is an act of identification with her environment, rooted in that plasticity of perception and magical thinking associated with childhood experiences of being-in-nature. In this most challenging time of global ecological crisis, Vicky Lentz creates engaging topical art from her secluded forest studio to reawaken us to the processes and transformations of unfolding life, the interconnectedness that exists between nature and culture, between self and world."


Serge Murphy

Critique d’art

Une artiste complète.

“Vicky Lentz est une artiste complète. Son parcours la montre toujours en train d’explorer des voies nouvelles et incarnées. On pourrait même la qualifier d’aventurière en ce sens qu’elle est toujours à la recherche d’un monde qui témoigne le plus justement possible de son univers personnel. Son attitude vis à vis la création, et sa liberté sont un témoignage magnifique pour tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la création d ‘œuvres visuelles. “

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Alison Murphy

Director, Craft NB

Inspiring and engaging.

"Vicky Lentz is an inspirational and engaging speaker and artist. This spring she delivered a thought provoking talk to a group of artists at Craft NB’s Beneath the Surface Residency program. The participating artists reported that Vicky’s talk was one of the most valuable and inspiring parts of the program. They enjoyed her easy and approachable manner and uplifting take on the creative process. Combining practical business advice and stimulating exercises with pointed guidance on how to approach the elusive muse, Vicky encouraged the need for play, spontaneity, and constant curiosity in one’s creative process."


Suzanne Hill

Senior Artist

I think Vicky rocks!

“My sense is that one key to Vicky Lentz' work is her early background in craft.  She commits to process as the essential part of resolving a conceptual challenge.  Underlying each series of images, sculptures, and mixed constructs is a determination to master the "making" of a technically successful product.  To this end, she continues to pursue new skills, to refine and expand those she sees important to development and successful communication of her ideas.  As her artistic vision expands so does her ability to make it concrete, to fully reinforce the quality of her thought.  She finds much of her inspiration from the natural world ...  stimulus for what becomes a personal but not necessarily obvious response to her environment.  Her ongoing pursuit of suitable process, of an appropriate vehicle for these insights is so admirable. Vicky Lentz' way of working is not an easy path - many artists develop and perfect one method, one style of expression that defines their practice.  To be constantly experimenting, to be always seeking more skill, new forms is an equally challenging alternative.